2021: Accelerating Carbon Removal Through Enhanced Weathering by Capturing Heavy Metals From Alkaline Sources
Our societal grand challenge lies in stabilizing rising global temperatures through scalable carbon removal efforts. Carbon removal through enhanced weathering involves harnessing finely ground natural minerals to release calcium or magnesium ions to capture CO2 from air. An interdisciplinary team of researchers will develop engineered approaches to dissolve rocks using acids electrochemically produced from brine solutions. This approach integrates the separation of heavy metals prior to the addition of calcium or magnesium species to the soil. The team will demonstrate that creative and integrated approaches can reduce climate risk through carbon removal by harnessing renewable energy. The resulting enhancements in soil productivity increase food security.
[This project received an Office of Engagement Initiatives supplemental grant.]
Investigators: Greeshma Gadikota, Todd Cowen, Johannes Lehmann, F. Garrett Boudinot, Benjamin Houlton