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Sustainability Insights

AI-generated image showing a sun haloo above a representative university building
Warren Hall - Roof, Windows, and Ivy (Cornell UPhoto)
• Photo: Leffler, Warren K, photographer. President Jimmy Carter speaking in front of solar panels placed on the West Wing roof of the White House, announcing his solar energy policy / WKL. Washington D.C, June 20, 1979.
Panorama view of New York city eith statue of liberty tomorrow morning at sunrise. View from Staten Island. (iStock)
View of the Eiffel Tower with the Olympics rings from the other bank of the Seine river with boats at the docks and in the water, Paris, France. (iStock)
Illustration of DNA double helix floating above water
Woman Biologist Collecting Environment Samples from a Mountain Lake in Winter
Electric charging station for electric vehicles in a mall parking lot.
Pale Blue Dot photo taken by Voyager 1 in 1990
Participants at the 1947 Shelter Island Conference on Quantum Mechanics (left to right): I.I. Rabi; Linus Pauling; J. Van Vleck; W.E. Lamb; Gregory Breit; D. MacInnes; K.K. Darrow; G.E. Uhlenbeck; Julian Schwinger; Edward Teller; Bruno Rossi; Arnold Nordsieck; John von Neumann; John A. Wheeler; Hans A. Bethe; R. Serber; R.E. Marshak; Abraham Pais; J. Robert Oppenheimer; David Bohm; Richard P. Feynman; Victor F. Weisskopf; Herman Feshbach. Not pictured: H.A. Kramers.

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