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Our Work

Advancing One Health

Human health and wellbeing are inextricably linked to the health of wildlife, livestock, and the environment. Improved food, water, and energy infrastructure are urgently needed to protect the natural systems that provide opportunities for recreation, hunting, and fishing and to minimize human exposure to parasites, pathogens, and pollution. Likewise, the development of urban environments must harness the powerful positive effect that trees and green spaces have on human health and happiness. With Cornell’s deep and broad knowledge base and vital connections to corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies, Cornell Atkinson is working in partnership with researchers in the College of Veterinary Medicine to build interdisciplinary approaches and drive new research to advance One Health, creating a future in which people and nature thrive.

Elephants - photo credit: M. Atkinson/AHEAD

Radical Collaboration

Raina Plowright joins Cornell

World-renowned ecologist and epidemiologist who studies the mechanisms that drive the spillover of pathogens between species – such as the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic – will become a Cornell Atkinson Scholar and join the College of Veterinary Medicine to bolster pandemic prevention effort.

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Raina Plowright


Cornell Atkinson - Water Pollution

Social Cost of Water Pollution

A complex mix of policies and practices are required to ensure access to clean water everywhere—for everyone. The Social Cost of Water Pollution Working Group is focused on effective tools for decision-making by the government, NGOs, and private industry on water quality, analogous to the social cost of carbon estimates that are visible metrics of the costs of global warming.

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sustainable forestry

Conservation Finance

To slow and stop the global loss of biodiversity, we must fundamentally rethink our relationship with nature and transform our economic models and market systems. Research in Conservation Finance offers new, long-term, diversified sources of revenue supporting biodiversity conservation.

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Responding to the Climate Change and Health Crisis: A Framework for Academic Public Health

The Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health released a summary of recommendations for academic public health programs, including contributions from Senior Faculty Fellow Alex Travis, outlining the vision and principles, strategies for engagement, and measures of impact and challenges posed by climate change.

Botswana field with cows

The ‘Beef’ with Foot and Mouth Disease: Academia Helps Farmers Balance Production and Conservation

Fellow Steve Osofsky leads research on integrating safe meat production while supporting wildlife migrations. A 2017 Cornell Atkinson Academic Venture Fund supported this research.

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water quality

Water Shutoff Protections Prevented Covid Infections and Deaths

New research supported by Cornell Atkinson shows significantly lower Covid infection and death rates in states that imposed water shutoff moratoria.

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Combating Misinformation about COVID-19 in Low-Resource Environments

Cornell Atkinson Faculty Director News

David Drinkwater '94 Endows Faculty Director Position in One Health

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Faculty Fellow Highlight

Vital Connections

Working at the intersection of agriculture and public health, specifically sustainable dairy production, Cornell Atkinson Faculty Director Daryl Nydam (CVM) is advancing One Health, making sure milk is produced safely for cattle and consumers alike.

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Daryl Nydam
Postdoctoral Fellows

Cornell Atkinson postdoctoral fellows help lead the future of sustainability through innovative, interdisciplinary research collaborations.

Marwan Osman

Marwan Osman

Themes: Advancing One Health

Education: PhD ’15, Lille University Cornell Adviser: Kevin Cummings (VET) External Partner: Khaled El Omari (Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon)

Andrew Stillman

Andrew N. Stillman

Themes: Advancing One Health

Education: PhD ’21, University of Connecticut Cornell Adviser: Viviana Ruiz Gutierrez (Lab of Ornithology) External Partner: USDA Forest Service

Katie Epstein

Katie Epstein

Theme: Advancing One Health

Education: PhD ’20, Montana State University Cornell Adviser: Bruce Lauber (CALS/Natural Resources & the Environment) External Partner: Wildlife Conservation Society

Jesse Rodenbiker

Jesse Rodenbiker

Theme: Advancing One Health

Education: PhD ’19, University of California, Berkeley Cornell Advisers: Cliff Kraft (CALS/Natural Resources & the Environment), John Zinda (CALS/Global Development), and Raymond Craib (A&S/History) External Partner: WWF Hong Kong

Academic Venture Fund 2022

Blight2Right: A Novel Community-Based Project Focusing on Eliminating Illegal Dumping in Flint, Michigan

Jerel Ezell and Rebecca Morgenstern Brenner

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Academic Venture Fund 2022

Aedes-borne Virus Control and Insecticide Resistance Along the Amazon River: Implications for Sustainability of Vector Control Tools and Health Equity

Laura Harrington and Alex Nading

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Academic Venture Fund 2022

Engineered Living Materials for Indoor Air Quality Control

Rong Yang, Sijin Li, Meredith Silberstein, Sarah Kreps, and Jenny Sabin

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Innovation for Impact Fund 2022

Streamlining Assessment of Enteric Methane Inhibiting Drugs & Feed Additives for FDA Approval

Cornell Investigators: Mike Van Amburgh, Animal Science; Daryl Nydam, Population Medicine + Diagnostic Sciences; Thomas Overton, Animal Science; Joseph McFadden, Animal Science; Kristan Reed, Animal Science; Jefferson Tester, Chemical + Biomolecular Engineering; Robert Howarth, Ecology + Evolutionary Biology; Peter Wright, Animal Science; Xingen Li, Animal Science
EDF Investigators: Katie Anderson, Holly Pearen, and Daniel Kaiser

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Academic Venture Fund 2021

A New Data-driven Approach to Rethink Sustainable, High-density Urban Environments in the Light of Pandemic Resilience

Investigators: Timur Dogan, Nathaniel Hupert, Katharina Kral, Yihong Li

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Academic Venture Fund Award 2020

Training Dogs to Sniff Out New Pests

Investigators: Carrie Brown-Lima, Angela Fuller, Greg Loeb, Ann Hajek

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Academic Venture Fund 2020

Antibacterial Resistance in Ithaca's Drinking Water

Investigators: April Gu, Craig Altier, Renata Ivanek, Mingming Wu

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Academic Venture Fund 2020

Bending Agricultural Burning Trajectories in Eastern India

Investigators: Andrew McDonald, Peter Hess, Natalie Mahowald, Prabhu Pingali

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Academic Venture Fund 2020

Protecting Biodiversity and Air Quality on the Prairie

Investigators: Ivan Rudik, Catherine Kling, Amanda Rodewald, Alison Johnston

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